Honle Group held the 2023 annual summary and commendation meeting

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     On January 26, the 2023 annual summary and commendation meeting of Honle Group was grandly held in the multifunctional conference room on the second floor of the company. Feng Jingang, chairman of the company, Feng Junfeng, general manager, and vice presidents of various systems attended the meeting. All employees of Honle Group attended the meeting and listened to the spirit of the meeting.

     At the meeting, Yang Yeping, deputy general manager of production of the power supply division, and Huang Changcheng, deputy general manager of production of the complete set division, made a comprehensive summary of the production and operation management work in 2023, and reported on the work plan for 2024.

     Next, the meeting commended 12 advanced workers, rewarded five employees who introduced talents to the company in 2023, and two persons in charge who contributed to the project declaration. Li Leilei, from the business department, spoke on behalf of the advanced workers.

     Then, Feng Junfeng, the general manager of the company, made a comprehensive summary of the operation situation in 2023 on behalf of the company. Feng said in his summary report that in 2023, Honle Group’s total sales increased by 40% compared with 2022, of which the foreign trade export volume exceeded 100 million yuan, ranking 46th in the export of the whole industry in Yueqing. This gratifying achievement was obtained through the hard work, unity and cooperation of all Honle people, and the glory belongs to the payers. In 2024, he hoped that the company would work together, make concerted efforts, strengthen confidence, and climb new heights. Subsequently, Feng also deployed the overall work for 2024.

     Finally, Feng Jingang, the chairman of the company, made an important speech. The chairman first affirmed the work achievements in 2023, and then put forward five requirements: first, he hoped that Honle people would dare to take responsibility. He said that as a responsible enterprise, Honle should strengthen responsibility and responsibility internally. This responsibility and responsibility is not only the company’s responsibility to employees, but also the employees’ responsibility to customers. He hoped that all employees could become a responsible and responsible Honle person; second, he should have an innovative spirit. Innovation is the soul of enterprise development and progress. In the fierce market competition environment, only innovators can advance, only innovators can be strong, and only innovators can win. To achieve long-term development, the company must not only innovate in technology, but also constantly innovate in management. Only by being brave in reform, constantly innovating, and never stagnating, can Honle have a promising future; third, he should have a service awareness. Our service is not only to provide customers with timely, accurate and high-quality product services, but also to solve practical problems for customers wholeheartedly from product research, product optimization and upgrading, etc. Only by caring and helping, and maintaining a blood-related relationship with customers, customers will not abandon us, and orders will continue; fourth, he should pay attention to quality. Product quality is the cornerstone of enterprise development. To create competitive products, sales volume will continue to increase. Only by doing a good job in quality management, the company’s operation will be smooth, otherwise it will be full of loopholes; fifth, he should improve execution. Execution reflects the attitude of being responsible for work. To improve execution, the key is to execute with heart, establish a rigorous and meticulous work style, and implement all major decisions and work arrangements without compromise, and do a good job in big things, small things, and details. Finally, Feng congratulated the advanced workers who received commendation and rewards at today’s meeting, and hoped that they would continue to work hard and act quickly in their future work, and play a role model for advanced workers!

     At the end of the meeting, the company also prepared a year-end gift for every Honle employee - a washing machine.


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